Strengthening Learning Through Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning occurs when members of a group come together to discuss ideas and solve problems with the intention of learning. This model of learning is particularly useful when it occurs in cohorts.
Transformational Enablers to the Rescue — Part 2

In part 1 of my thoughts on transformational enablers, I discussed the first three enablers: CLARITY, ALIGNMENT and FOCUS.
How Do You Define Success?

Recently, serving in my role as a Scaling Up Business Coach, I met Paul Saunders, his wife Emily and brother Andrew who launched a successful start up over 10 years ago, a manufacturing company called eLuxury.
Transformational Enablers to the Rescue — Part 1

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review provided the results of research on the success of corporate (business) transformations.
How to Bust a Recession!

Create a climate of high-performance to prevail and succeed in challenging times.
Stop and Smell the Blue Iris

Looking at the iris as if for the first time, I noticed light blue petals opened in groups of three. with soft, white, furry stamens in the middle.
Brent Tilson: What Could Put Your Company Out of Business?

During the fourth lap of the 2020 Indianapolis 500 race, I was on the edge of my seat watching as the right front wheel of car #51 driven by Australian James Davison burst into flames!
Unfrazzling: Cutting Stress in Half!

The negative emotions of frazzle are contagious and sweep like the flu, hampering team performance. What can employees do—through their own self-leadership—to accept the other half of the responsibility for their work climate and reduce frazzle?